WiFi Access Solution

WiFi Access Solution


MPR Technical Services was approached by a chain of thirteen hotels in London, all experiencing poor internet connectivity and lacking central management systems. Despite consistently high occupancy rates averaging 99%, the hotels were unable to meet the demands of their guests for reliable and solid internet access. Additionally, the chain was spending over £1 million per year on online booking fees with popular platforms such as booking.com, Expedia, and Trivago. The challenge for MPR Technical Services was to improve internet stability, speed, and user experience while also reducing the reliance on external booking agencies and upgrading outdated infrastructure, with improved Wifi Access solutions.


MPR Technical Services developed a comprehensive solution to address the hotels’ internet connectivity issues. The first step was to replace the old, unmanaged solutions with a standardised hardware package that could be rolled out across all thirteen hotels. This included deploying Ubiquity Wireless AC access points, managed market-leading switches, and DrayTek routers. These devices were configured to report back to redundant hosted wireless controllers in MPR’s secure Datacentre.

One of the key features of the solution is the use of Power over Ethernet (POE) hardware, enabling a simple and clean installation process. This allowed MPR Technical Services to establish a unified brand image across all hotels while providing guests with a reliable and solid internet service 24/7. In cases where internet bandwidth was a limiting factor, MPR Technical Services implemented load balancing across multiple internet lines to ensure a smoother and richer user experience for guests. This also helped alleviate any potential bandwidth issues that the hotels may have faced.


The outcome of MPR Technical Services’ WiFI Access solutions has been highly successful. Guest complaints about the internet and wireless provision have ceased entirely, as the new system provides a stable and reliable connection. In addition, MPR Technical Services created a customised capture portal for guests to sign in to the wireless network, which presents them with special offers. This has led to an increase in direct bookings, significantly reducing the chain’s reliance on booking agencies and resulting in substantial cost savings for the hotels.


MPR Technical Services successfully enhanced the internet connectivity for thirteen London hotels, delivering a reliable and solid internet service to guests. By using a standardised hardware package, implementing load balancing, and creating a customised capture portal, MPR Technical Services not only resolved the hotels’ internet issues but also significantly reduced costs associated with online booking agencies. This case study showcases MPR Technical Services’ expertise and authority in delivering innovative and professional technical solutions for hotels in need of improved internet connectivity.